Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Flipped Classroom ~ Week 7

The flipped classroom is a really neat approach to teaching! Most of use have probably already used aspects of this innovative way of teaching and not even realized it! So, what is the flipped classroom you ask? Just think about reversing the traditional way of teaching. Students will do the majority of front end learning on their own...most likely at home. The teacher may have websites, blogs, or other avenues  that students visit to learn about the basics facts or the essentials of the subject. For example, I may have students go to my porta-portal site to read about ocean life. The next day in class everyone (who did their assignment) will be ready to discuss and do hands on activities based on the information that they read about oceans. Students can also use these sites to study and review for tests. Imagine being able to view the steps for a math problem over and over again. It's like giving your teacher a repeat button!! It is impossible for teachers to do that in the traditional classroom because of limited time. By using the flipped classroom approach the teacher is able to spark students enthusiasm and have added time to really dig deep into the subject . I also envision teachers (once they get in the groove) having more time to work individually with students and being able to have multiple centers/stations set up. With traditional teaching those are the things that often get left out because of lack of classroom time.
Watch this youtube video about the why a teacher flipped his classroom!
Social networking in the classroom can also be beneficial to students and parents. As long as the teacher has been properly trained on the safe ways to incorporate it into lessons, it can be an added way for students to express ideas. It can also be a great tool for the teacher to use to keep everyone updated on classroom activities and due dates.
All of these things are neat and can work wonders for education. The key to its success is properly preparing the teachers, students, and parents for what is expected! Just a little side note for all you traditional teachers out there... traditional is still good. Good teaching is still good teaching. These are just tools that you can use to enhance the great job that you are already doing! Kids still need to memorize things..they still need to write and create...they still need to sing, chant, and rhyme...they are still children that need to learn from you! So Giddy Up..Let's get Teaching!!

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