Mrs. Cutler's Newsletter

Week of November 5-9, 2012

Students are learning about cell life and the things that all cells need to survive.

We had a wonderful time on our field trip today! We learned several fascinating facts about the Civil War. Ask your child what nurses used to use to stop bleeding.
“Oceans”  by Seymour Simon                                               Genre: Expository nonfiction
Gravitational – an adjective describing one type of force by which two bodies attract each other.
Bulge – a part that swells outward
Inlet – a narrow strip of water leading into land
Shallow – not deep
Energy – the capacity for doing work or supplying power
Generated - produced

Cereal box book reports were fabulous!!!! I loved all the creative titles! I think I may have some future kiddos end up in the advertising field!!

The next book report must be a biography. Our school library has a good collection of biographies for your child to choose from. If you would rather, you may use a book from home or one from the public library. Titles for books are due to me by Friday, November 9th. Special instructions for this book report will be on the next newsletter.

1.       anyway                19.altogether
2.       any way            20.all together
3.       all right              21.continents
4.       every one       22.wavelengths
5.       everyone            23.particles
6.       already              24.dangerous
7.       all ready               25.eventually
8.       a lot
9.       its
10.   it’s
11.   your
12.   you’re
13.   who’s
14.   whose
15.   there’s
16.   theirs
17.   anyone
18.   any one
Please give a big welcome to, Ms. Hutchinson, our student teacher!!!

Week of October 8-12, 2012

If you have not signed and returned your child’s report card, please do so a.s.a.p.
Monday, October 8, 2012 is an ISE day. Students do not report to school.

We will be going to HHS Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2012 to see Alice in Wonderland. Cost is $3.00 per child. Please return permission slips and/or money by Monday.

We will begin reading Shiloh on Tuesday…..
Shiloh is written in the first person point of view, revealing the thoughts and feelings of the determined and compassionate protagonist, Marty Preston. The novel begins when a young beagle follows 11-year-old Marty as he takes a walk up in the hills on the road past the old Shiloh schoolhouse near Friendly, West Virginia. Because the dog is "slinking down, . . . tail between his legs like he's hardly got the right to breathe" and backing off and cringing when Marty puts out his hand, he is sure the dog's owner is abusing him. Marty feels protective of the dog, and names him Shiloh. ******Taken from CliffsNotes.******
What is it with all the sad books about dogs?!

Your child should already be reading the book for this 6 weeks book report!! It must be a mystery book…All reports will be turned in on Monday, October 29. Each child will be assigned a day to present.
See attached instructions for book report!!!!
Cereal Box Book Report!!! You need an actual empty cereal box for this report!!!! 
                Science Test Thursday, October 10, 2012
You should know the following information: 100cm = 1m, 1000m = 1km,1000g = 1 liter, best way to take temperature, what tool to use when measuring mass, what standard unit of measure do scientist use, what is capacity, read a measurement on ruler, graduated cylinder, or balance, be able to pick out the appropriate unit of measure for an object. Look back over your science worksheets!---------
  Spelling List
1. afternoon                      
2. background
3. cornfield
4. cornmeal
5. earthworm
6. flagpole
7. footstep
8. mountaintop
9. overcome
10. pillowcase    
11. rooftop
12. cardboard
13. ice-skating
14. ninety-one
15. vice president
16. all right
17. field trip
18. armchair
19. cheerleader
20. eggshell
21. blurt     22.jeer    23. thirst
24. first-class 25.   briefcase

This 6 week students will choose a mystery chapter book for their book report. Over the next six weeks, students will read their self-selected book and create a cereal box book report. Students will decorate a real cereal box with illustrations and information related to the book they read using the directions below.

1.    FRONT OF BOX: Use a piece of white or light colored paper to cover the front of your cereal box. (You will probably want to create the cover before gluing it on your box.) Include the following:
A.    Name of the cereal and a picture.
B.    Invent a name for the cereal that is related to the title of the book and sounds like a cereal. Do not use the exact title of the book.  Choose a shape for the cereal as well as colors and ingredients that all relate to the book. For example, for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, you might invent a cereal called Wizard Wands, a toasted oat cereal in the shape of miniature lightning bolts.

2.    RIGHT SIDE: Make a list of ingredients that includes the story elements Characters and Setting. Under the heading "Ingredients," list the main characters and write a sentence about each one. Then describe the setting. Just make sure you include the main characters and the setting.

3.    LEFT SIDE: Write a summary that describes the main problem and the solution of the book. Try to use words that will “grab” readers’ attention and make them want to buy your cereal.

4.    BACK OF BOX: Design a game that is based on the story. It can be a puzzle, a word search, a word scramble, a maze, a crossword puzzle, a hidden pictures illustration, or any other fun activity that might be found on the back of a cereal box. Make sure it includes information from the book.

5.    TOP OF BOX: Include the title, author, number of pages, and number of stars you would give this book if you were a book critic. The maximum number of stars would be 5. You can use the template or create the top of the box yourself as long as you include all of the things listed above.

6.    PRIZE: Cereal boxes often include a prize. Your prize must be something the main character could have used in the book or something that reminds you of the main character. You can even include a picture of the prize on the front of your box to let the reader know what is inside the box.


Have fun and be creative!!!!

Mrs. Cutler's Weekly News
Week of October 1- 5, 2012

Report cards were sent home today!!! Please sign and return a.s.a.p.

Mark your calendars!
Tuesday, October 8, 2012 is an ISE day. Students do not report to school.

We recently finished Sounder and children are taking AR quizzes on the book.  We will be taking a written book test on Thursday, Oct.4.  Study guide will be sent home on Monday. Our next class book that we will be reading is Shiloh by Phyllis Naylor.

Woodsong by Gary Paulsen  Genre Personal Narrative
resembled- was or looked like.
bulk – large size or mass.
pointedly– clearly noticeable; done with emphasis.
Harness – straps or bands used to hitch an animal to a cart, plow or other piece of equipment.
disengaged – to loosen, detach, or free from something that holds.
Snort –to force air violently and noisily through the nostrils.
TEST on FRIDAY, October 8th

Your child should already be reading the book for this 6 weeks book report!! It must be a mystery book…All reports will be turned in on Monday, October 29. Each child will be assigned a day to present.

Spelling List:
We will be wrapping up our science unit on measurement this week. Please watch for a study guide to come home with Friday’s news letter. The unit test is scheduled for Thursday, October 10th. Test will include matching, fill in the blank, and short answer questions.

Be a book worm!!!!
I love my 5th graders!!!
Mrs. Cutler

Week of September 17-21, 2012

Thank you to all those who attended Open House this past Tuesday!!! I really enjoyed getting to meet and talk to you! If you ever need me, please don’t hesitate to call. 

Class Motto: It’s a cinch by the inch, but hard by the yard!!

We are beginning Masterpiece Sentences!!! Ask your child what that means!!
We’ll Never Forget You, Roberto Clemente
dedicated- set apart for a special purpose
control tower – at an airport, a building from which takeoffs and landings are directed.
lineup– the players on a team who will take part in a game.
ace– an expert.
error – in baseball, a misplay, such as a fumble or a wild throw.
artificial – made by humans; not natural .

TEST on FRIDAY, September 21th

Spelling List:

It’s that time…….don’t forget your book report on Monday!!!!
All reports are due September 17th……………
……………………late reports will lose 10 pts.
Each child will be assigned a day to present.
Monday, September 17 – Ana, Alex, Allen, Andrew C, & Whitney
Tuesday, Sept. 18 – Jayden, Andrew G, Hunter, Sean, & D’Nea
Wednesday, Sept. 19 – Tyler, Haylee, Ryan, Torin, & Jeffery
Thursday, Sept. 20 – Caleb, Alyssa, Corey, Breanna, Libertee, & Kayleigh

Authors use figurative language to create
vivid mental pictures in their reader’s mind.

See if your child can work these math problems:
a +  2a + 6a = 45            10a +  6a = 32          12/100 =  _____       45/1000 = _____
0.93 = _____                    1.2 = ______                 0.2 ____ 0.20

Mrs. Cutler's Weekly Newsletter
For the week of August 27-31, 2012

·         Please remember to sign your child’s agenda each night.
·         Your child should be reading an AR book each night and
recording it on the reading log in their blue folder.  AR testing has begun.


“Yang the Third and Her Impossible Family” By Lensey Namioka   Genre: Realistic Fiction
Audition- a tryout to test the ability of an actor or a musician.
Sonata – a musical composition, usually in several movements or sections.
Accompanist – a musician who plays music to support the main part.
Accompaniment – music played to aid and support the main musical feature.
Grimaces – express pain, annoyance, or disgust.
Simultaneously – happening at the same time.

Book Reports

Book titles and authors were due Monday. Please make sure your child is keeping up with reading. Oral book reports are due toward the end of the 6 weeks. Please watch for a report outline on next weeks newsletter.
Please mark the date on your calendar…..
All reports are due September 17th……………
…………late reports will lose 10 pts.
Each child will be assigned a day to present.
Monday, August 17 – Ana, Alex, Allen, Andrew C, & Whitney
Tuesday, August 18 – Jayden, Andrew G, Hunter, Sean, & D’Nea
Wednesday, August 19 – Tyler, Haylee, Ryan, Torin, & Jeffery
Thursday, August 20 – Caleb, Alyssa, Corey, Breanna, Libertee, & Kayleigh

Spelling List:

Back To School Clip Art 10smoke


Remember you can practice your spelling words on
Go to find a list and enter Josie Cutler

Social Studies map test is on Monday, August 27th!!!!!!!

Open House is scheduled for Sept. 11th. Hope to see you! Mark your calendar!            

Mrs. Cutler's Weekly Newsletter
For the week of August 20-24, 2012

We had a wonderful first week of school! I think this is going to be a great year!! Please talk to your child each night to find out what he/she learned at school that day. This tells your child that school is important.

Book orders are due
Tuesday, September 4, 2012. You may send in a check or order on-line. This is a great way to earn free books for our classroom.

Ask your child what parentheses mean in math….

Please review math facts each night.

Each 6 weeks your child will be responsible for reading a chapter book and doing an oral report on it. This 6 weeks they may choose any type chapter book. Please help your child with this as I don’t want them picking out something merely because it is short and easy to read. The title, author, and number of pages are due Monday, August 20 on a note card or sheet of paper. A grading rubric will be sent home when we get closer to the due date for the report.

Starting Monday we will begin reading the book Sounder by William H. Armstrong. It is a heart wrenching story of a young African American boy and his coon dog. This story deals with a young family and several disturbing facts of life as they deal with struggles of living as sharecroppers. I want to assure you that we are going to take our time reading and discussing this book. This will be a great opportunity for us all to learn about and better understand the devastating effects of discrimination. Themes include faith, love, loyalty, courage, and endurance as an antidote for inhumanity, disillusionment, and failure. 

Spelling Clip Art
  Each week we will have a pretest on Tuesday. Those that make a 100% on the pretest are exempt from the regular spelling test which is on Fridays. Dictation is on Wednesdays. Be sure to visit to practice spelling words

 Words with long /a/,/ e/, and/ i/.

·         Stayed   
·         brain
·          thief 
·         meat 
·         flight
·         style
·         daily
·         delighted
·         breathe
·         meanwhile 
·         believes 
·         tonight   
·          increased 
·         explained
·         slightly  
·         payment 
·         brief
·         tray         
·         byte
·         raise       
·         tight
·         type
·         remain
·         chief
·         pleaded

Mrs. Cutler’s Weekly News Letter
Week of August 13, 2012
Welcome to the 5th grade! I’m so honored and excited to be your child’s teacher this year!
We will be diving head first into our lessons this week! Here are some hints to help your child succeed in the 5th grade!

~ Weekly News Letter ~ 
Please watch for the weekly news letter to come home on Fridays.  It will preview the following week’s lessons including spelling lists, tests and other important information that you might need.

~ Agenda Book ~
Your child will bring home an agenda book each night so you can review what was taught at school that day as well as check for homework that needs to be completed.  Please sign the bottom of the agenda book each night so that I know you saw it. There is also a space for you to write notes to me…so please… please review it and then sign it. I will check these each morning. The agenda book is a great tool that will allow us to communicate on a regular basis.

~ Reading ~
Reading is one of the most important things for your child to do. Reading increases their vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, attention span, spelling and ability to discern critical information. Please make sure your child has a chapter book at home to read each night. I also require each child to have a book at their desk to read if they finish an assignment early. Each child will also have a reading log that must be filled out. Each 6 weeks your child will give an oral report on a book that they have read outside of class. this first 6 weeks it will be a book of their choosing. watch for details in this Friday's newsletter.
Remember this: The more you read, the better you get at it; the better you get at it, the more you like it; and the more you like it, the more you do it.
Even though your child is now a “big” fifth grader, it is still important that you read to him/her. The more your child sees and hears you read the more he/she will want to read as well.

~Math Facts~
Math facts must be completely memorized! This will be your last year to really work on them. After 5th grade you are expected to already know them.

 ~ Manners Matter ~
In addition to starting our academic lessons we will also be reviewing school/classroom rules and discussing why “Manners Matter”. Our classroom will run much smoother when we treat others with kindness and respect. Please help me by reminding your child about the importance of having manners and following the rules.

~ Spelling City ~
In the upcoming weeks our spelling words will be available on Spelling City. I just have to get them typed in. Once this is done, your child will be able to go on-line to practice spelling words.

~ Volunteers ~
I will send a list of ways you can volunteer in our classroom with the next news letter.
Visit our class blog for updates on classroom activities and news!!!

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