Sunday, February 26, 2012

Depth of Knowledge Chart ~ Week 6

Every week in fifth grade we get a new set of vocabulary words that correspond to our weekly story in reading. I like to get a sense of what the children already know about the words before I actually give them the definitions. To get the students thinking about the words I write them on index cards and randomly pass them out face down. To make sure that everyone gets a card with a word, I choose extra words from the story that I feel they should also understand. Once each student has a card they flip the card over, read it, and place it in our vocabulary pocket chart. Based on hearing the word that has been read that student or other students tell what they know about the word. As a class, we then read a passage that has the words included in it. Using context clues the students are then able to formulate complete definitions for the words. Lastly, we compare and contrast our definitions to the definitions given in the textbook. All of this gives me a great assessment of my student's prior knowledge and understanding of the vocabulary before we read the story.  The GREAT thing is that discussing the vocabulary in this way really prepares them for the story and helps them to have better understanding as they read.

After reviewing the Depth of Knowledge Chart and comparing it to my assessment for prior vocabulary knowledge, I feel that what I do toggles back and forth between levels 2 and 3. Possibly even level one. As a teacher trying to teach 21st Century Skills it is important not to get stuck in one level of teaching. Our students  most definitely need to learn and master the basics, but then they need to learn how to utilize those basic skills to be effective learners. I want my students to have the thinking abilities to adjust to a world that is rapidly changing. In order for them to do that as I teacher I must train and instruct them on how to think outside the box, to use their knowledge to create and then recreate if necessary. Uhmmm... what a BIG task I have.

Monday, February 20, 2012

In the Cloud ~ Week 5

 Cloud Computing is a convenient way to allow someone to save information away from their computer so that it can then be  worked on from another location. As long as all my students have access to the internet then this will be a great tool for my fifth grade students! Let's say that my students would like to discuss a book that we have recently read in class. I could set up a class web page or blog for just that purpose. Students could access the site from their computer at home to answer questions concerning the book. I could then view their answers while at my home.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Apps ~ week 4 assignment

I'm completely new to the world of apps! I've been searching for the best apps for my 5th graders and have found a few, but nothing that I totally love. Can you help me? Do you know of some really cool apps that 5th graders would benefit from? If so, leave a comment below.

One of my students in my class has difficulty with fine motor skills causing his writing to not be legible. He also has an IEP that states that he be allowed to type instead of write. I found a math fact app that allows him to zip through his math facts with ease. It's called "My Math App". This app falls into the Substitution category based on the SAMR Chart. This of course is not where I want my students' learning to fall all of the time. I feel that there needs to be a balance between the higher levels of learning and the the lower levels.
For example, there are some skills that are foundational to other learning and must therefore be memorized and reviewed. Math facts are one of those foundational skills. After those math facts are memorized then it's time to apply that knowledge to the higher levels of learning. When planning lessons be sure to discuss real life uses of math. My class recently took a survey of Favorite Sweets in the intermediate grades. After collecting the data the students then had to compile the information onto a double bar graph. Using the double bar graph they were able to compare and contrast the information collected.
In comparison, Acuity is a school/county wide program that tests students on knowledge that they should have learned. This program also falls into the substitution category and is used as a tool to replace paper and pencil. The nice thing about Acuity is that it grades it for you. So Acuity also falls into the augmentation category.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Bessie Smith and the Night Riders ~ Week 3 assignment

This week our class read a wonderful story titled Bessie Smith and the Night Rider by Sue Stauffacher. Later in the week students were able to skype with the author and children from two other schools. In order to get ready for this assignment students listened to the story, discussed different aspects of the story and information about the author's life. Students then worked together to prepare questions that they thought were appropriate to ask the author.
I must say that my fifth graders did a fantastic job! I wouldn't change a thing! They were very well behaved, spoke clearly, and asked thought provoking questions! Way to go GK fifth graders!